30 years of Separatism: What benefit did Armenians get from Miatsum? - ANALYSIS

  01 March 2018    Read: 3247
30 years of Separatism: What benefit did Armenians get from Miatsum? - ANALYSIS

By Nazakat Mammadova

What benefit did Armenians get from Miatsum?! Of course, nothing! On the contrary, Armenia lost much of the material, moral, demographic, socio-economic, political and geopolitical points of view.

Due to its occupation policy, the country remained largely excluded from the important projects implemented by Azerbaijan and Turkey. These projects are not only economic but also of great political and geopolitical importance. For instance, Azerbaijan has decided to cooperate with both wings of the geopolitical movement. It skillfully manages the realities of both Thalassocracy and Tellurocrasy – the powers of Land and Sea. For example, Baku-Jeyhan project is a global project of Thalassocracy, while Baku-Kars project is a manifestation of Tellurocrasy.

Azerbaijan is a landlocked country that has no access to an ocean. However, due to its policy, it reduces the risks arising from this condition and develops the relations with great powers, such as the U.S. and the United Kingdom, which have access to the ocean. The Baku-Kars railway connects great Eurasia from China to England. Where is Armenia here?! It has taken over the role of the outpost of Russia, as well as the European Union, rather than being an initiator like Azerbaijan in any project.

The Armenian occupation of Karabakh ends with its geopolitical and economic losses. Certainly, the occupier will sooner or later have to withdraw from the occupied territories. Armenians intend to create "Greater Armenia". However, if the Miatsum, which is a part of this idea, ends up with heavy results, other dreams of them can cause them to completely lose what they gained at the expense of the lands of other nations.

Armenia’s policy of separatism, terrorism and occupation prevents its being a part of the modern international relations in the modern time when the world strives for unity with the ideas of integration, solidarity and globalization. The idea of self-determination of nations has already lost its relevance. This was the main principle of the national liberation movements against colonialism across the world, especially in Africa in 1960s which the USSR applied to capitalist Britain.

If the Armenians do not accept the reality that Nagorno-Karabakh belongs to Azerbaijan and links it to the USSR, then why do they refer to the principle that the USSR regards as a part of the international law? This principle is not relevant as the world now regards the self-determination as separatism and rejects it. Spain and Ireland can be examples in this regard. The attitude of the world and Europe towards the referendum in Catalonia proved it. Separatism is no longer accepted and considered a factor that leads the world to chaos.

Armenians have realized the Miatsum due to not only separatism but also terror and occupation. This is a fact. No country guided by this policy managed to achieve progress.

Miatsum has already lost its significance for Armenians as it had 30 years ago. The more it was actually on the eve of departure from the USSR, the more it is absurd and outdated fascist ideology in the current period of European integration. It is probably the only similarity of it with Anschluss.


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